
Smile with Confidence

At Morehouse Family Dentistry, we recommend dental implants as an effective way to restore lost teeth; they provide a durable, permanent option for oral reconstruction. In this process, titanium implants are surgically placed in the bone by an Oral Surgeon. After the implant has integrated to the jawbone, Dr. Morehouse can then start making your new teeth. Once the dental implants are restored with crowns or dentures, you will regain a natural-looking, beautiful new smile!

Dental Implants offer a wide range of benefits:

  • Your teeth will look and feel natural, providing a confident smile
  • Elimination of discomfort or soreness that may be experienced with ordinary dentures or bridges
  • No slipping, allowing you to speak and eat normally

Letting lost teeth go untreated can cause a number of problems:

  • Missing teeth can affect what foods or drinks you can consume, which can lead to poor nutrition and overall health
  • Your bite can also be affected, causing your teeth to line up improperly which may lead to jaw joint or other bite problems
  • Your self-esteem can be reduced if you feel self-conscious about missing teeth